Hello to you in the name of Jesus!
We have Bible study and Sunday school for all ages at the 9:30 hour on Sunday and worship at 10:30. In the 9:30 hour we are working through Isaiah and last week I preached from Luke 16:10-13, “Be a faithful steward.” You can hear this under the SERMON AUDIO tab or through our FaceBook page. This week we will worship at the Lord’s Table and I’ll preach from Luke 16:14-31, “Be an obedient steward.”
We appreciate your input! Please fill out a survey and turn it in as you are able.
Directories are available if you haven’t gotten one.
We will have a Passover dinner at 302 Antelope Drive on Friday, April 19, beginning at 5:30 pm. Please let us know if you will attend and if you are willing to bring a dish to share; Kathy has a menu plan for the meal.
We will have an Easter service at 8:30 am on Sunday, April 21, followed by the men cooking breakfast at 9:00, an egg hunt for the children, and regular worship at 10:30. Hope to see you there!
Please pray for Alissa’s trip to Mayo clinic this week and Nathan serving jury duty. We PRAISE God for our military and lift up Sean in Korea and Chris and Kristi’s son being deployed. We pray for Mariella’s daughter and her Spanish club and her friends struggling with cancer and divorce. PRAISE Him for Rebecca’s opportunity to share with Anna and Jessica. We pray for Stephanie’s recovery and comfort for all in loss of loved ones.
Blessings to you,