Author: Leigh Warmbrand
what keeps you going
You’re going through a rough time right now. There’s more month than money, or the diagnosis wasn’t what you expected. The relationship has soured, and you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I want to assure you that God was …
growing in Christ
How long does it take to grow? You may ask, “Physical growth? You mean my body growing growth?” It takes a baby nine months or so to grow in the womb before it comes out. We measure growth every doctor …
focus on the fundamentals
Vince Lombardi said, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” In 1961, Coach Lombardi began leading the Packers to victory in a new season. He didn’t have a “silver bullet” or “magic tricks” or “ace up his sleeve;” he focused on the …
soup supper and games
Soup supper and games on New Year’s Eve at the building, starts 6:00 pm!…