ministry in Africa
Ministry in Africa is spiritual warfare. This article has good prayer points and great pictures as it gives good insight on ministry in Africa.…
Ministry in Africa is spiritual warfare. This article has good prayer points and great pictures as it gives good insight on ministry in Africa.…
We will be at “Trunk or Treat” at the Chamberlain swimming pool parking lot on Halloween, 5:30 pm. Come get a treat!…
“Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief.” Believers and followers of Jesus have great moments of strong faith “up on the mountain” in the presence of God, and also times of “walking through the valley of the shadow of …
True Identity is written by John C. Majors who works with Family Life and Cru. This book is written to youth and young adults and is the companion book for their Passport2Identity curriculum; youth leaders, parents, counselors and other people …
This update is about the local church operating in the “red light” district. It is an important item of prayer and involvement.
…Through all of this, God has shown himself to be the hero in this story. Only he can
We will worship at 10:30 on Sunday, “saying ‘no’ to Jesus” from Luke 7:31-35.
There will be no Sunday school at 9:30.
“The most powerful weapon in the hands of our Almighty Lord for the destruction of Satan’s dark kingdom is a healthy local church.” Andy Davis, pastor, FBC Durham, North Carolina…
How do you describe what something looks like to a blind person? You could talk all about size and shape and color, but they would have no understanding. They must find another way to understand, through taste, sound, smell or …
New sermon audio on “The Identify of Jesus” can be found on the SERMON AUDIO tab above. We all face times of questioning and confusion in our walk with Jesus – how can we be assured Jesus is the Christ?…
This is an interesting article about missions in the east and demon possession. I have been overseas to Asia and never encountered anything like this article but it is insightful to read.…