Treasure Jesus.

What is the most valuable thing you own today? A car, a boat, maybe a second home? How about that comic book collection, old baseball cards, stocks, gold, or sliver? A full tank of gas, baby formula, or toilet paper? Or to put it another way: if your house was burning down, what would you run back inside for? For those graduates, maybe its your high-school diploma or college acceptance letter or a job offer. Or, maybe it’s a relationship – maybe the most valuable thing you own is not a thing but a person. What is the most valuable relationship you have today? A spouse, parent, or child? A teacher, aunt, uncle, or grandparent?

Take a step back: what even makes a thing or person valuable? It has to do with desire and worth and it involves the rarity of that thing or person; Warhol’s painting of Marilyn Monroe recently sold for a record $195 million but I can’t sell my crayon drawing of the Chamberlain bridge for a plum-nickel! Truthfully, I have a crayon picture my 5-year old drew for me that’s worth more than $195 million. If it’s a tangible item you can buy, like a refrigerator, value will involve cost, but how can you put a price on something intangible, like time or love? Value is not such an easy subject to tackle.

In Matthew 13:44 Jesus said, “The most valuable treasure you could own is the kingdom of heaven. It is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field.” We know that Christ the King is the ruler of the kingdom, so the worth and value of the kingdom equals the worth and value of the King. Jesus (and His kingdom) is the most valuable thing and person you can own and know, more valuable than any other thing or person you could imagine. Would you sell all you have to gain Christ and His kingdom, the best treasure? He is worth more than all you own or could ever own. Whatever the sacrifice, cost, or loss, whatever you have to sell, get Jesus at any price. Give up everything to attain Him with all joy, He is the best treasure. In this world and the one to come, the most joy you will have is through Christ; no other object or person could make you as happy. The rich young ruler went away sad because He couldn’t give up his riches to follow Jesus (Luke 18:18). If you don’t treasure Jesus more than family, you can’t be His disciple (Luke 14:26-27). Don’t end up this way.

Are the things you own or people you love valuable? Yes. Compared to Jesus and the kingdom of heaven? Not so much. Treasure Jesus. Value Jesus. Sell all that you have to know Jesus. “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also. The body they may kill, God’s truth abideth still, His Kingdom is forever.” It is costly love. Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a man He bids him to come and die,” but how much will you gain? You have a better and more permanent possession in Him. Treasure Jesus.