Lieutenant Dan from “Forrest Gump” was angry with God. Are you angry with God today? What makes you angry with God? What makes you shake your fist at Him, crying, “Unfair!” in anger?
Jonah was furious with God. God is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster. He saw the repentance of Nineveh and pitied them, how they turned from their evil way. God relented of the disaster that he had said he would do to them, and Jonah’s “nostrils were inflamed”; he was “exceedingly displeased.” It’s hard to shake sin and anger, it’s who we are in sin and fallen nature. Sinful anger does not bear fruit, it leaves us frustrated and empty, producing a sour feeling and alienating us from God and others. It does not move us to faith, love and hope. It is an offense against God. This is how Jonah was; how are you?
Is it ever OK to be angry with God? Pastor RC Sproul said, “There’s never, ever a justification to be angry with God. How dare you be angry with the God of the universe who does everything well? There have been lots of people angry at God, I know, but they are revealing that they don’t really understand a whole lot about who He is and how holy He is. We have no just cause ever to be angry with God. And if I find myself feeling angry with God I should ask myself not ‘What’s wrong with God?’ but ‘What’s wrong with me?’” Pastor John Piper asked, “Are you assuming that God really does things that ought to make us angry? As painful as His providence can be, we should trust that He is good, not get angry with Him. That would be like getting angry at the surgeon who cuts us. It might be right if the surgeon slips and makes a mistake, but God never slips.”
God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster. He acted these ways towards Nineveh and Jonah; how has He acted these ways with you? He sent His Son, who bore His wrath and anger for your sin. Make no mistake, God gets angry over sin and shows His wrath and judgment. He will bring His vengeance and judgment and cast out all sin and sinners from His presence when Jesus returns with sword and fire. But for now, God plays the long game. He poured out His anger on Christ in your place, if you receive Him as Lord and Savior. “Do you do well to be angry with Him?”
Lieutenant Dan made his peace with God. If you are angry with God today, make your peace with Him. Confess your sin, get right; it’s never right to be angry with God. Rejoice in the Lord today, take joy in the God of your salvation. He is your strength and comfort in difficult times. Learn to be content whatever situation you’re in. Consider God’s goodness and grace to you, His patience and kindness, His love and mercy; have you any reason to complain or be angry? Can you see God’s grace and goodness in your life today? Kill the sin of anger, through prayer and reading and church community who can walk side by side with you. The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Humble yourself and submit to God, let Him work in you. Does it do you well to be angry?