The conflict was real. The man was a sorry sight in a sad state. He was naked and alone, in the desert, with no home nor friends, among the tombs, deeply troubled in spirit and possessed by demons. All the cards were against him. What hope did he have? What hope could there be? How could he change?
Along came Jesus. The demons recognized His power and authority and feared His name. Jesus was not phased nor scared; in a matter-of-fact way, He gave them permission to depart the man. All authority in heaven and earth is given to Him. By him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. He reigns as king supreme! He brings change.
What of the man? He was restored and made normal. The demons were gone, he had clothes and a home among people (not tombs) and was in his right mind. Peace and rest were his, with new purpose and hope. Change is possible through Jesus. Jesus restores and heals in all areas of our lives: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He is the great physician who administers a healing balm to a troubled soul. He is the triumphant king who wins the victory of conflict and brings change to a troubled life.
What conflicts do you face today? What demons plague you, what battles do you fight? Are you scarred and shamed from the past? Did you suffer abuse at the hands of another? You are not fallen so far; you are not too far gone. Christ is king! He heals and restores, there is victory in Jesus. He is the master gardener who severs the root of demon-weeds that squeeze and choke our lives. I urge you today to consider Jesus. Look to Him and depend on Him in your conflicts and sufferings. He will lift you up. You can change and we give Him thanks for the change He brings today!