God reassures you

What’s going wrong for you today? In “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” Charlie Brown visits Lucy the psychiatrist. She tries to diagnose his problem: “Are you afraid of responsibility? Maybe you’re afraid of cats? Or staircases? Or the ocean? Or crossing …


Someone has wronged you. Cheated you. Stolen from you. Abused you. Insulted you. Abandoned you. Cut-your-legs-out-from-under you. What they have done to you weighs you down, plagues you, haunts you, angers you. It hurts. How do you respond?

In Matthew …


Why? It always comes down to that. We ask God, “Why?” “Why the car accident? Why did the ATV flip over? Why the cancer or heart attack? Why the lay-off and unemployment? Why the divorce?” We always ask “why”, but …

you can trust God

Who can you trust? The prophet Habakkuk was in an awful situation. His nation, Israel, was in moral and cultural decline. God was punishing them for sin and disobedience, and He was using their enemy, Babylon, to administer His justice. …