weekly bulletin and upcoming events

Our Purpose:  To lovingly encourage one another to become better followers of Jesus Christ, reaching others for His glory.

worship in song

  • His mercy is more
  • blessed be Your name
  • 10,000 reasons
  • at the cross

worship in the Word – “be intentional”

Men meet Monday  7 – 8 pm

Women meet Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30 pm

BSF Ladies meet Wednesday 6:00 pm

TFT youth meet at the Meeting Place in Chamberlain, 7:00 pm

Blessed Faith Recovery is Thursday, 7:00 pm

prayer meeting and soup/supper on February 16, 5:00 pm

servant board meeting Thursday February 20, 6:30 pm

church at Sanford, Sunday February 23, 1:30 pm