“The right equipment” makes a great tag-line or slogan for a company. I can see the commercial now: a picture of the product, dramatic music, and a booming voice-over, “[The product] is the right equipment, to get the job done right.” You need the right equipment to get a job done well. You can’t use a screwdriver to keep you warm at night, or a torque wrench to brush your teeth. You’ll need the right (and best) equipment in order to get through 2019. Thankfully, God has equipped His people with all they need to live a full life in the new year and for all eternity.
The God I worship and serve is the God of Hebrews 13:20-21. He is the God of peace, who kept His promises of ages past to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and us. He sent His Son Jesus, the Messiah, who shed His blood of the eternal covenant to pay for His people’s sins because there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. God brought Jesus back from the dead and today He is the great shepherd, who reigns and will come back to gather His people and complete His kingdom. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
It is this God who equips His people with everything good, to get the job done right. He adjusts, repairs, and restores, as a fisherman mends his torn nets, or a chiropractor straightens a crooked back. Are you one of God’s people? Do you need adjusted, repaired, or restored as you begin the new year? Your God will equip you with everything good, to get the job done right.
God equips His people in such a way so they may do His will. In general it is to worship Him in all that we do, and it is specific to each of His people in whatever situation they face. It may be brotherly love, or showing hospitality, even to strangers. It means remembering those in prison and those mistreated, poor or down-trodden. It involves building a good, strong marriage and staying pure and free from immorality. He equips His people to stay true to His Word and listen to those who teach and preach it, not straying to false or ungodly teachings. His people are prepared to perform any task He lays before them.
God equips His people in many ways. He gives us regular and ordinary means, such as Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship with a church family. The opportunities we have to worship in song and giving and hearing His Word at church equip us to do the work He has us to do throughout the weeks and months. There are special holidays and celebrations to be a part of, as well. He works in His people through Jesus and the Spirit, to do that which is pleasing in His sight, for His good will and purpose. We are His handiwork, created to do good works, and we can get the job done right.
God equips us with forgiveness and right standing with Him, through Christ’s death and resurrection. To that, He adds gifts, talents, and abilities. We have healthy portions of resolve, wisdom, boldness, compassion, and mercy to work with. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruit of knowing and walking with Him as His child, and those qualities are available for our use also. Just as Batman has a tool in his belt for any task he faces, God’s people have been equipped in even more abundance. May God be glorified in the new year, as He equips His people to serve and worship Him in all areas of life. “God has equipped us with everything good to get the job done right.”