My dishwasher broke and I had to get it fixed. I wish I knew how to do this work myself, but I don’t, so I called an expert (shout-out to Andy’s Appliance in Chamberlain). How to fix broken stuff. Who even fixes broken stuff anymore? So many times it’s easier to throw it away. But God doesn’t throw away broken stuff. God fixes broken stuff, like people. He fixes His broken stuff. Elijah was broken in 1 Kings 19. He was depressed, dejected, afraid, and alone. Broken. And God set about the task to fix him. What did He do?
He provided for his material needs. He gave him food and water to sustain him. God was present and showed up in person to speak with Elijah. God didn’t text or “phone it in,” but was there with him, to comfort and guide. He was patient in speaking to him. Sometimes we need a kick in the pants but God dealt with Elijah softly, intimately, tenderly. God was not found in the great wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a low whisper. He gave him a purpose and work to do. His job wasn’t finished, there was more to be done, and he was the man to do it. He gave him people to stand with him, together in community, 7,000 who were still following God and even an assistant, Elisha. He reminded him of the past. Remembering God and His purpose is a strong motivator to overcome depression and fear. Elijah’s 40 day trip to Mt. Horeb would have reminded him of Moses’ similar experiences and God’s goodness. This would also remind him of God’s covenant-making and promise-keeping ways. God doesn’t go back on His word, ever.
Are you broken today? How has your God met you in any of these seven ways (providing, presence, patience, purpose, people, past, promise)? How has God worked to fix your brokenness? How has He provided material nourishment and sustained you in a difficult, depressing, fearful time? How is He present and patient with you in your difficult situation? What purpose has He given you? What people has He given you to help you in time of need? How does He remind you of the past? What promises has He kept to you? God is gracious and kind and an ever-ready help in times of trouble.
Are you broken today? Depressed, dejected, afraid, alone? Do you belong to the Lord? How is He working to fix you, His broken stuff? God lifted Elijah up in his time of depression and fear, and He will lift you up. He is still God and still on His throne, He will address your issues today, He will make a way when there seems to be no way. Emotions are real, depression and fear are real, BUT God’s grace is more real. God’s great love, healing, and fixing what is broken, even people, is more real.