The comedian Henny Youngman said, “My wife and I have a great relationship – we go out to eat twice a week! She goes on Tuesdays and I go on Fridays.” A marriage relationship takes work and is worthy to spend time improving. We can learn a lot about marriage from the book of Proverbs. What makes for a good and God-glorifying marriage? It involves communication, money, and purity.
One big hurdle to overcome in marriage is communication. “Too many words can get you in trouble; it is often better to restrain from talking and listen first. A righteous tongue is choice silver and the lips of the righteous feed many. An honest answer is as beautiful as kissing the lips.” Listening first and walking in righteousness and honesty are good strategies for communicating well with your spouse.
Another big issue to work through in marriage is money. Love is more important than money because, “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.” The same idea can be said this way, “Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice.” A financial counselor could greatly assist in this area, to operate within a budget. Keeping the right perspective is key: you cannot serve both God and money in marriage.
Remaining faithful to your husband or wife, in mind, spirit, and body, is of the utmost importance. “A husband who strays from his home is like a bird that strays from its nest,” and the same can be said of a wife. It is unsafe to have wandering eyes and “shop around” while you are married. The marriage bed is to be kept pure and holy onto the Lord. “Can a man (or woman) carry fire next to his chest and their clothes not be burned? Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?” Temptation is always lurking, but we must stay true to our spouse.
Another famous comedian, Groucho Marx, pondered the question, “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?” Marriage is worthy but it does take work. It is not for the shy or faint-hearted. Dealing well with issues of communication, money, and purity can lead to a good and God-glorifying marriage. May our marriages be worthy and worshipping in Christ.