Hello to you in the name of Jesus! This is a longer weekly update…
This Sunday I will preach on “Being a forgiving steward” from Luke 17:1-10. Forgiveness is a difficult issue and I hope you can come to church, I pray this will help you and our church work through God’s command to forgive. You can hear the weekly sermon under the SERMON AUDIO tab or through our FaceBook page.
We appreciate your input! Please fill out a survey and turn it in as you are able. Prayer directories are also available if you haven’t gotten one. Thank you for regular prayer for our church family.
Chris and Kristi Wilson have applied for membership in the church. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with Allen, Larry, or myself.
We will have a Passover dinner at 302 Antelope Drive on Friday, April 19, beginning at 5:30 pm. Please let us know if you will attend and if you are able to bring a dish to share; Kathy has a menu plan for the meal, please sign up with her.
We will have an Easter service at 8:30 am on Sunday, April 21, followed by the men cooking breakfast at 9:00, an egg hunt for the children, and regular worship at 10:30. Hope to see you there!
The servant board is recommending a move from renting the OCC and a-frame buildings to renting the building at 302 Antelope Drive in Chamberlain. The details of this recommendation are printed out and available to everyone at church, or please ask for an email copy. Members will vote on this issue at the potluck and congregation meeting on April 28, 2019, which everyone is encouraged to attend. Please talk with a member of the servant board if you have questions or concerns.
We PRAISE God the wildfires have slowed down and Vonnie’s parents aren’t effected and PRAISE for good weather, we PRAISE and pray for the flooding; God is in control. Please remember Irene in the hospital and Jesse’s transition to master’s studies at school. We pray for a grandson with a tumor, Chris and Kristi’s travels and visit with their son who will be deployed. Please keep Alisha and Aiden in prayer for travel and relocating their family to Kansas. We PRAISE God for this church and the work of the Spirit among us.
Blessings to you,