Hello to you in the name of Jesus!
This Sunday will be an Easter service at 8:30 am and breakfast and egg hunt for the children at 9:00 am. We will have regular worship at 10:30 and I will preach on “Being a thankful steward” from Luke 17:11-19. You can hear the weekly sermon at under the SERMON AUDIO tab or through our FaceBook page.
We appreciate your input! Please fill out a survey and turn it in as you are able. Prayer directories are also available if you haven’t gotten one. Thank you for regular prayer for our church family.
Chris and Kristi have applied for membership in the church. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with Allen, Larry, or myself.
We PRAISE God the wildfires are over and Vonnie’s parents aren’t effected and PRAISE for good weather. We are thankful for answers in Alissa’s health and pray for further appointments. We pray for Irene’s health, our building issues, and Uncle Sam’s visit from China. Please keep Alisha and Aiden in prayer as they travel and make plans to relocate in Kansas. PRAISE God for Rebecca’s concert.
Blessings to you,