Hello to you in the name of Jesus!
We will begin worshipping at the new building, 302 Antelope Drive, this Sunday. Please let everyone know and invite friends and neighbors to “come grow with us” as we begin a new chapter at Central Plains! We will have Sunday school for all ages at 9:30 and worship at 10:30. At the 10:30 hour I will preach from Jonah 1:17-2:10, “Praying to God.” You can hear the weekly sermon under the SERMON AUDIO tab above or through our FaceBook page.
Vonnie and Leanne are planning a ladies’ lunch and kitchen shower on Saturday, June 1. More info TBA.
We will have combined Sunday school and Bible hour class for all ages beginning June 2 at 9:30 am. Chuck will be leading us through a variety of word studies and applications this summer. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend!
We will have a book talk meeting on June 15, 10:00 am (tentative), to discuss Nature’s Case for God. I can let you know more details about the book and if you are interested in meeting.
Please pray for Vayjean’s surgery recovery and Alissa’s and Vonnie’s health issues and appointments. Please keep Scott and Alisha’s move in prayer. We pray for Michaela’s soccer team trip to Trinidad and all our seniors, graduates, and students as they finish this school year. PRAISE God for servicemen, Sean’s visit home and David’s job search. PRAISE for Vonnie’s parents safe at home and please keep the Herman’s in prayer as they travel to visit family. We remember Candy, Larry, and Chris in times of poor health and recovery.
Blessings to you,